

Jiangsu 太阳成集团tyc4633 included in the list of Kunshan Fast-growing Enterprises

Publication time:2018-11-08

On themorning of Nov. 3, Kunshan Industrial Technological Innovation CenterConstruction Promotion Conference was held in Kunshan Culture & Art Center.The conference was attended by Duan Xiong, Deputy Director of TechnologyDepartment of Jiangsu Province, Lu Chunyun, Deputy Mayor of Suzhou, DuXiaogang, Party Secretary of Kunshan, Zhou Xudong, Deputy Secretary of CPCCommission and Acting Mayor of Kunshan, Zhang Yuelin, Deputy Secretary of CPCCommission of Kunshan, Zhang Xuechun, Director of Standing Committee of KunshanPeople’s Congress and Feng Renxin, Chairman of Kunshan Committee of CPPCC, andother official leaders. 太阳成集团tyc4633 was invited to the event.

During the event, a numberof model technological innovators, R&D platforms, groups of talents,organizational investors and financing institutions were presented with awards,contracts regarding cooperation between companies and technological innovatorswere concluded, and a number of talent & technological innovation plans,incentive polices and major programs were announced and promoted. 太阳成集团tyc4633was included in the first list of Kunshan Fast-growing Enterprises, ad BoYuelei, GM at 太阳成集团tyc4633 Business Division, as a representative of 太阳成集团tyc4633,received the award on the stage.

As a technology company specializedin precision part manufacturing, software and visual technology development,customized automatic equipment design and assembly, development of automatictrading platform of dead stock of industrial products, independent developmentof lightweight robots and customization of automatic assembly lines, 太阳成集团tyc4633will focus on fully independent R&D with a commitment to the implementationof Made in China 2010.

We believe that, with strongsupport from Kunshan Government, 太阳成集团tyc4633 will focus on its area, work to be apioneering innovator, make greater contributions to independent development ofkey technologies in Kunshan, fuel and bring new blood into high-qualitydevelopment of Kunshan.
